We had a refreshing cool evening last night. So, my husband and I sat outside in the moon shine for a while, and wow, the full moon energy has sure been flowing through me in a zen like way for a trio of finished paintings.


This one was started a while ago with the fluid first layer, sun, and moon. I caught a glimpse of a post by another artist, Wyanne, that inspired me to loosen up with those fun bold red inky marks. I’ve enjoyed doing similar stuff in the past, but I’m grateful for the indirect collaboration of sorts to spark it again!


 Original and Art Prints Available


The title volunteered when a song that I enjoy started playing towards the end of the painting, and I remembered lyrics about “Sister Sun” within it. It was like another bit of collaboration with the musicians, which happens to me often! The song was “Ivory Tongue” by Ayla Nereo. Do you know it? Does that ever happen to you? Every card in my Soul Songs inspiration card deck has a song or several that go with it because my paintings so often have their own playlists!
The next is one of those magical paintings that almost painted itself as I was using the watercolor paper as a palette for other paintings before giving it my full attention. It’s message for us is to focus on the true and pure beauty at the essence of things, in ourselves, dreams, and life. Once I did that with the painting, it transformed into this and I quite love it. I also love the way it flips the full moon energy to have the light be reflected outwards with the center being deep and colorful. It makes my soul smile! Or, maybe it is my soul smiling through the painting.


Original and Art Prints Available


The last one reminded me how healing the creative process can be. I was feeling weighed down with longing and disappointment earlier this week. I let my feelings flow through a conversation with my inner muse/guide in this canvas. As the abstract layers evolved a boat like shape was added with the words, “I hope I didn’t miss the boat.” The painting continued to change as I went back and forth on all 3 of these paintings to this:


Original and Art Prints Available


After it was finished, I wrote the following notes in my journal.


I hope I didn’t miss the boat
to live my dreams
O, Captain, my Captain?!
Aha! This is my journey
my journey is the boat
I can’t miss it!
I am the captain. Be the captain.
Sail toward, through, in the dreams
take the dreams with you/me
focus on the beatuy
dance with the ones that remind me
enjoy the journey
keep catching, weaving, living your/my dreams
let your dreams be the wind in your sails
ride the waves
reminds me of chapter in book about being navigator


That was the magic and medicine I found in the painting. I feel so much better after painting these. I feel a healthy mix of content gratitude and sweet dreams. I hope seeing these and reading the stories may invite you to do the same. You can sign-up to receive free email newsletters with highlights from blog posts, paintings, poetry, and presents at ThriveTrue.com/MagicMail to make sure you see the good stuff! 🙂


I’m not really Buddhist, but I love Japanese gardens. I nurture a sweet zen spot in our garden with gold fish, beautiful rocks, and the statues that remind me to pause and breathe in the blessings. I actually tried to get the gold fish to pose in a picture with a painting, but these pictures turned out better! 😉

I also recorded the process while creating these paintings for the upcoming Zen Full Painting Online Course! It’s on sale for an early bird special rate now if you’d like to join me.
Wishing you a zen full day!




Julia Ostara
~ Creator of the Heart of Life & Soul Songs Inspiration Card Decks
~ Artist, Presenter, and Hostess of Fun Creative Courses


If you host a podcast or blog and would like to talk to me or feature one of my posts as a guest blog contribution, I’d love to connect! Contact Julia

© 2018 Julia Ostara ~ All rights reserved. Thank you.

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