The book, The Girl Who Dances With Delight, is now available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble and Indie Bound

You’re invited to Dance with me, with your own strong, soft, Sacred Spirit, with life and Delight. You can order your copy from my affiliate link on Amazon. It is also available on Amazon Europe (search for Julia Ostara).

The following book trailer video was made as a tribute offering in honor of the inspiration and flow, each sacred breath, life, and delight. I’m so grateful to Yaima for permission to use the theme song. The video features the full length of the original song. The energy and lyrics feel so in tune with the essence of the book. Enjoy! {Headphones enhance the audio}

I did my best as a one woman show with an old laptop computer and camera, learning as I go, from my home in the woods! I hope it truly captures the presents and presence of inspiration, beauty, blessings, joy, wild wonder, and the dance of life. I hope the loving energy put into creating both the video and the book shine through. Thank YOU for witnessing the offering. You can read some book reviews below if you like.

You can order your copy of the book from Amazon or Barnes & Noble.

Thank YOU so much for supporting artists and authors like me (and my family!). Recently, I’ve seen my book pop up in unexpected places and for outrageous prices! Please know that it is available directly from my website, on Amazon, Amazon Europe, and Barnes & Noble with list price of $15.95 (sometimes with free shipping option, too!). I’ve seen it listed as high as $47.63. Crazy! It is meant to be affordable! You usually get the best deal and I make the most from my Amazon affiliate link for the book at:

Please feel free to invite others to dance and share this offering. You never know what kind of blessing it may be and healthy ripple effects your sharing may have! You can use the sharing buttons at the bottom of this page. Thank you.

To read this book is to follow a pathway of glittering crumbs to the forgotten city of the Self. It leads the way to radical self love & self awareness and sparkling soul with the voice of a trusted friend and a soundtrack that sings life awake! We follow her because delight awaits us around every curve. Every daily dance brings us closer to our own delighted spirits! I look forward to the companionship of this book, flipping it open for inspiration for years to come!
~ Julia Alter, Creative Force at Seize the Dazzle Studio, Artist, Poet, & Author of Walking the Hot Coal of the Heart

This gorgeous gem of beauty, light and wisdom from an equally gorgeous author-artist-soul is something you should not miss. From the opening poem, through the many magical, delicious daily rituals, to the D.A.N.C.E. steps and closing words, we’re invited to lighten up, liven up and vibrate with joy! This book is truly a gift. Through its pages I quickly and unapologetically recognize myself as a kindred sacred fool on this wild ride!
~ Laura Di Franco, MPT, Physical Therapist, Poet, Author of Brave Healing, A Guide for Your Journey & 5 more books

This sweet book is about falling in love with ourselves and with life. I gladly share ways to add rhythm, ritual, and enrichment to lighten our days, liven up and let our sweet hearts sing. I think of ritual as something that enriches our lives, our environment, or our community due to the attention and action we give it.

It’s about rejuvenation, leaning in to life even with the messes and mysteries, and finding the magic in it all.

It’s a marvelous day for a moon dance… The D.A.N.C.E. acronym is used to represent many encouraging and empowering options to explore the wild wonder within and around us in the symbolic dance of life. This book is a way for me to sort of ‘take the lead’ as a dance partner for a while. I share plenty of possibilities through examples, ideas, and prompts each day for about a month. The book is designed to go with nature’s rhythm for a full 30 day moon cycle. Take your own sweet time to tune in, revibe and rejoice or just a few magical minutes daily to feel full, free, and fabulous!

What if we greet life as both a temple and a playground? I wonder what the world may look like if more of us lean in to the beauty and presents with deep reverence & joy. I share stories from my own life like the many generations before us who shared stories and dancing around the fire. May we fan flames of love, grace, vitality, and delight!

You’re invited to a celebration in honor of your life! You can join the dance and get your copy of the book from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Indie Bound, Books-A-Million. It is also available on Amazon Europe if you search for Julia Ostara.

May we be blessed with the strength to dance in the rain and beautiful rainbows after the storms in our lives.

This book is inspiring, well-written, engaging, fun, nourishing and truly a pleasure to read! It is the ultimate guidebook for cultivating self-love, self-nourishment and self-discovery. It will enhance your sense of wonder, appreciation, and joy in each moment regardless of the circumstances you may currently be facing in life. Julia’s DANCE steps will inspire you, guide you, and help you feel deeply connected to your own radiant soul.
~ Corinne Zupko, Ed. S., Author of From Anxiety to Love, Counselor, Coach, Professor, and Mindfulness Instructor

Julia’s love and exuberance for life shines brightly in each sweet daily chapter. She shares deeply and personally about her journey, her joys, her sorrows, her highs and her lows. You feel you are sharing an intimate conversation with a dear friend. I love how she weaves her story with a multitude of songs from every genre.  After reading, I began to dance daily to greet the day.  I loved her book so much that I bought two of them, one for me and another for a dear soul sister who I know will love to D.A.N.C.E. with Delight.
~ Janette Stuart, Author of On a Path of Joy Series of Seven Devotional Books

You can invite delight to dance with you and get your copy of the book from Amazon, Barnes & NobleIndie Bound .

So much more than a guide to a daily ritual, this book invites us to open our eyes and hearts to new ways of seeing and being, using the acronym D.A.N.C.E, and associated activities, as a guide. Julia’s vulnerability and honesty encourage us to be and express ourselves freely and without reservation each day. I’ve incorporated the daily DANCE ritual into my life and, in just a short time, have almost magically received myriad benefits for my body, mind and soul. I am grateful for Julia’s courage and willingness to share her beautiful process with the world.
~ Kerri Aab, Fitness Instructor, Wellness Coach, Mental Health Advocate and Complex PTSD Thriver

What a refreshing approach to living life on our terms! Julia gives us precious tools with her lovely D.A.N.C.E. prompts to hear the music over the loudness of fears (Face Everything And Recover). Life gets messy, hard, sad, scary, and at times, downright painful. Julia helps us shift out of the accepted drudgery to experience more joy in our lives. I have a tendency to be a little over serious. So, it is a true blessing to have the guidance offered within to help us stay more in the light, the true intelligence of the heart.
~ Jeanette MacDonald, Artist & Author of Lady And The Fox

Maybe this book flowed through me so I could be an example of an average everyday phenomenal person and middle age momma choosing to celebrate the beauty all around me and within my sweet, sparkling, sacred spirit and presence. What if we fall in love with ourselves and with life? What if we let Delight lead the dance? You can explore the possibilities with me and get your copy of the book from Amazon, Barnes & Noble. It is also available on Amazon Europe if you search for Julia Ostara.

Thank YOU so much for supporting artists/authors like me!

Wild Wonderful Wishes to You!


Please feel free to invite others to dance and share this offering. You never know what kind of blessing it may be and healthy ripple effects your sharing may have! Thank You!