Art journaling was a bridge to the intuitive art that I make and the playful, inquisitive process that I share in courses now. Fifteen years ago, I became a mom to significantly premature twin babies who needed “life support” to grow. My whole world changed. I saw how fragile and miraculous life truly is. As they grew, I began to see the world with fresh eyes. I also had an excuse to play with art supplies again. I started exploring more, expressing myself and feeling more alive as I played with their crayons and paint.
I tried scrapbooking more. Yet, as much as I love pictures and good memories, I needed something more wide open to fully explore my life, love, wonder, and creativity. I stumbled upon the first art journaling book listed below in a thrift store years ago. That led to searching the library for more and finding some fun online groups. Have you had any similar experiences? Do you keep an art journal? I’d love to hear about your favorite art books if you’d like to share in the comments. These are some of the books and artists that helped rekindle my creative spark.
The first 5 have a place in my personal library. I haven’t actually read the last one yet, but I did participate in the course that inspired it for a few years (and hope to do so again as one of the guides soon!). Keeping an actual art journal still felt a little too restrictive for me. I’ve learned that I like to paint bigger and more fluidly and feel free to make marvelous messes. So, I don’t really keep an organized art journal. I keep a sketchbook and I let any blank canvas, wood panel, or inviting surface be the “page” now.
I also enjoyed participating in an online art journal group years ago that is no longer happening. So, I started a similar free group for artists and friends. This year, I’m thinking to share words as weekly prompts in the group to combine our energy (synergy!) and support each other’s intentions for the Year 2020. Do you choose a word for your year? I’ll be compiling words shared by members in the group for the prompts. Then, we can share a song or quote that the word makes us think of, take a photo or make art inspired by the word for the week (all optional as inspiration strikes). Want to play along? Join us anytime at
“Synergy” is the word prompt for this first day of 2020. You’re invited to share anything you like related to Synergy this week in the group to support and celebrate each other in healthy ways. Synergy is the interaction or cooperation of two or more to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.
Art has been such a graceful, wonderful, healing, playful, spiritual joy for me. I consider myself a ‘born again artist’ because I lost touch with the artist within for too long. Now, I’m delighted to be guiding others to experience the magic and medicine that can be found in art. I’ve learned that “Play makes Possible” (my twist on the old ‘practice makes perfect’). Approaching creativity from a place of play and exploration has really helped me open up, enjoy the process and get in the flow.
I’m glad to be able to pass on so much of what I’ve learned through the creative process over several years and countless paintings in the online courses I host. I’ve also found that playful intuitive painting is directly related to the art of living, which is what my own first book is really about. You can get a free preview of my book, The Girl Who Dances With Delight, or have a look inside on Amazon.

I think we are all artists, life artists! It is in our very nature to express ourselves and create.
May we all find joy in the art of living. ♡
Wonderful Wishes,
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Julia Ostara © 2019
I am so grateful for our library and recommend you check your local library for referenced books if you’d like to explore them more. I am also a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program (an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by linking to since I often link to items anyway! If you see something you’d like to have and are willing to use the links (click image of book) from this page, it will support the Thrive True efforts without costing you anymore than usual. I only list items that I’ve found valuable personally.
For Art Licensing inquiries, please contact me. I’m glad to work with awesome partners to enable my art and energy to be enjoyed by more people economically while providing a healthy income for us.
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