“One of the most calming and powerful actions you can do to intervene in a stormy world is to stand up and show your soul.” ~ Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Would you like to explore, express, paint, play, wonder, and enjoy YOUR creative gift, listen, & trust your inspiration, instincts, voice & soul? I often greet the blank canvas/surface as both a playground and a temple of sorts – a place to meet with mystery, dance with the divine, explore the wonders & wilderness, play with possibility, sing, pray, cry, celebrate and co-create with the life force that flows through all! These are self paced courses/retreats and can be started any time! Let’s get creative and be*you*to*full! 🙂

☆ Zen Full Painting ☆

Playful Painting Mini Series ☆
(Pick Your Price!)

So grateful for the inspiration, ability, & energy to create, host, and offer these online courses and circles. I really want anyone that would like to participate to be able to do so! I also want to trust and celebrate generosity and reciprocation. Art has been such a graceful, wonderful, healing, playful, spiritual joy for me. I consider myself a ‘born again artist’ because I lost touch with the artist within for too long.

Now, I’m delighted to be guiding others to experience the magic possible when playfully creating. I’ve found that “Play makes Possible” (my twist on the old ‘practice makes perfect’). Approaching creativity from a place of play and exploration has really helped me open up, enjoy the process and get in the flow. I’d love to join you for a painting playdate around the same picnic table… Yet, I am so grateful for the internet and all the awesome online friends and artists I’ve ‘met’ around the world in this way! ♡

Guest Offerings
I’m glad to be a guest artist/teacher/contributor to the following offerings:


☆ Art of Gratitude ☆

* Art Journaling Self Discovery Journey *
I am a guest artist guide in a year long exploration with free intuitive painting and art journaling prompts hosted by Maria Greene. I love working with other creatives in this way! You’re invited to join us to creatively play, explore, & discover! She interviewed me as well, which I shared in a blog post.

* Mixed Media Mythology*

I contributed along with 5 other wonderful artists exploring the myths and magic of 8 Goddesses. (I love how the number 8 resembles an infinity sign) I loved getting to know the Gaia better for my project offering with this course. I’m in the process of adding my individual offering to my shop now that the collaborative is no longer available. Please contact me if you’re interested and I’ll make it a higher priority to upload the content to my site and provide you with a special discount code.


 So grateful for the classes I’ve been blessed to take as well. 

I think there is probably a difference between going to a formal art school (where I assume the teachers are assigned/required) and having the freedom to choose our teachers (doing self-study that is not for a fine art degree). We can choose teachers that appeal to us and seem to ‘speak’ the language we want to explore for ourselves. To me, this is the best kind of school, lots of learning and encouragement and no grades or competition! 🙂 I feel I’ve gotten my MFA this way ~ Magic Found in Art!

I’m overflowing with gratitude to have learned from several teachers, amazing artists, and women, such as Flora Aube, Alena Hennessy, Faith Evans Sills, Flora Bowley, Kelly Rae Roberts, Mati Rose McDonough, Tamara LaPorte, Tracy Verdugo, and many more and to now be able to pass that on in my own mixed in way!

I think we are all artists, life artists!  It is in our very nature to create.  May we all find joy in the art of living. ♡